The "Best Kept Secret" in Commercial Treadmills
You've heard all the rhetoric about one treadmill being the "best treadmill" or another one being the "top-rated" model. So how do you wade through all the information?
Ironcompany has 41 different treadmills that encompass any setting or requirement from residential use, school and college settings, and light commercial training through full commercial applications. And beyond.
"And beyond" is that special category where the application requires one tough treadmill that can not only withstand extremely heavy use and high traffic, but provide years of performance at demanding levels in a harsh environment.
This is where the Tuff Tread comes into consideration...when only the toughest treadmill will do. Tuff Tread treadmills are the best-kept secret in high-end treadmills.
And Beyond Category
Who are the users that require a treadmill that is head and shoulders above the rest? Tuff Tread treadmills are used by firefighters, who train in full gear in order to be prepared to rescue a person in life and death situations. Many police departments depend on the Tuff Tread to keep officers at their best. Also counting on the Tuff Tread is the US military, with personnel stationed in some of the harshest climates and situations in the world.
And it'll surprise you how many professional sports teams use the Tuff Tread in their facilities. Tuff Tread treadmills have features for training world-class athletes at extraordinary levels, such as up to 16 MPH and 15 percent incline. This type of training can enhance results that make a difference in performance.
Basic Features
There is an old adage, "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." That's applicable when you look at the parts and features that comprise the Tuff Tread treadmill.
- Indestructible welded-steel frame with a 700-lb. capacity.
- RFT frame coating that will not crack, chip, stain, peel, scratch, flake, rust or fade.
- Self-cleaning motor compartment. No maintenance! No cleaning required.
- Unbreakable steel and Lexan display panel protects expensive electronics.
- Maintenance-free reversible deck. Never needs lubricating.
- 8 HP peak load motor.
Fire Departments
There are three main reasons why fire departments gravitate toward the Tuff Tread treadmills. First, the 700-lb weight capacity allows training fully geared up in scenarios that simulate what could actually happen on the job. Firemen can be confident in the middle of a real-life situation that their conditioning will not give out. Second, the Gerkin and WFI training protocols are included on the Tuff Tread HRT. Both of these programs are widely used for firefighter fitness testing. Third, often treadmills are put in harsh, open-air environments, like fire truck bays. Tuff Tread treadmills motors, electronics and belt/decks systems are not susceptible to damage from dust and dirt.
Being overbuilt from nearly every perspective also provides an ancillary benefit. Most treadmills in harsh environments have normally exhibited a short life of 2- 5 years. Tuff Tread treadmills have proved to be a long-term cost-effective solution in these settings.
Military and Government
All military branches demand treadmills that can perform and hold up no matter what. Tuff Tread has become the "go to" treadmill in these situations, especially in those locations where the environment and/or a breakdown would be considered a serious problem. The US Navy has experienced significant issues with sea exposure and corrosion. Tuff Tread uses a RTF coating on all metal parts that is similar to truck bed liners. It is highly abrasion resistant and adds an unprecedented corrosion and chemical resistance.
One particular Marine station in Iraq has relayed how the Tuff Tread treadmill performed in the heat and sand. It speaks volumes when you hear the words "...your treadmills are a life saver out here..."
The Tuff Tread has one of the best warranties in the industry, and it's a full commercial unrestricted–use warranty. That includes correctional facility and prison use, where sixteen hours per day for seven days a week is the norm. Check out the features, specifications, warranty and information that make the Tuff Tread treadmill the "toughest treadmill on the planet."
About the Author
John Sisk is a former US Marine and is passionate about helping others achieve success in the arena of fitness. As a fitness industry veteran of over 40-years, John has the experience, product knowledge, and perspective that are second to none. John was founder and president of Legend Fitness for 29 years before teaming up with IRON COMPANY in 2006. With over 147 manufacturing partners, John has the right tools, experience, and expertise to ensure you get the best products for your fitness application, whether it is for military, commercial, or personal use. This is more than a job; it is a lifetime commitment to helping people. When not at IRON COMPANY, John can be found leading a Bible Study in the inner city or hiking the Appalachian Trail. Contact John here.