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Nutrition by Marty Gallagher

Welcome to IRON COMPANY’s RAW Nutrition by Marty Gallagher, the wellspring of unrivaled insights into the world of nutritional optimization. Penned by the seasoned IPF World Champion and revered coach Marty Gallagher, this weekly column unveils proven strategies to sculpt your nutrition blueprint effectively, steering it in harmony with your resistance and cardio regimes. Experience a journey of decoding the art and science of nutrition, orchestrated to foster muscle gains, amplify strength, and catalyze fat oxidation. Immerse yourself in not just articles but an expedition led by a mentor with a rich legacy of 60 years, translating into a roadmap to a transformative lifestyle. Turn ambiguity into clarity as you steer clear from the sea of misinformation. Witness a revolution in your fitness journey with techniques endorsed by global champions and elite forces. Why settle for less when you have the expert counsel at your fingertips? Choose RAW Nutrition, choose transformation. © 2017-2024 IRON COMPANY

  1. Whole Milk: the most Politically Incorrect of all foods

  2. Post Workout Replenishment

  3. Purposefully Primitive Dieting

  4. Occam's razor reaffirms Purposeful Primitiveness

  5. The World's Greatest Dieters

  6. Nuts & Bolts Part 4 Ultra-basics: Goal Setting
