Farmers Walk Handles (Pair) | IRON COMPANY (WFWH)
Farmers Walk Handles (Pair) | Ironcompany (WFWH) - A modern version of this strongman training tool from the... Read More
Farmers Walk Handles (Pair) | Ironcompany (WFWH) - A modern version of this strongman training tool from the past for increased strength and conditioning! The Farmers Walk is one of the old-time strongman events that can help you develop tremendous forearm strength, grip strength, stamina and overall full body power. Farmers Walk Handles eliminate the need for several sets of heavier dumbbells as you get stronger (which can smash the sides of your legs as the dumbbells get larger). Load these torpedoes up with as much weight as you can lift and march forward.
Need additional information on this Farmers Walk Log or other fitness equipment items that fit within your budget and address your fitness goals? Contact an fitness equipment specialist today at 1-888-758-7527 or email