body solid

Since its inception in 1997, IRON COMPANY has steadily risen to prominence as a beacon of reliability in the fitness industry. Leveraging our legacy of unmatched expertise and service excellence, we are proud to present an exclusive range of... Read More

Multi-Color Vinyl Dumbbells | Body-Solid (BSTVD)
Multi-Colored Neoprene Dumbbells | Body-Solid (BSTND)
Body-Solid KBR Iron Powder Coat Kettlebells - Singles & Sets are available in singles from 5-80 lbs., 100 lbs., and sets including 105, 275, and 600 lbs.
Premium Rubber Coated Kettlebells with Chrome Handles | Body-Solid (KBZ)
Solid Steel Cable Attachments For Selectorized Gym Equipment | Body-Solid (BSTMB)
Cable Attachments with Rubber Grips For Selectorized Exercise Machines | Body-Solid (BSTMBRG)
Body-Solid LMSE Landmine Single Eyelet Attachment for Olympic Bars
Body-Solid NB59A Adjustable Aluminum Stirrup Handle cable attachment for selectorized gym equipment.
Black Rubber Quad Grip Weightlifting Plates | Body-Solid (ORT)
Multi-Colored Rubber Quad Grip Weightlifting Plates | Body-Solid (ORC)
Body Solid MB504A Aluminum Tricep Pressdown Bar Cable Attachment
Body-Solid NB59 Adjustable Nylon Stirrup Handles for Cable Gyms
Revolving Aluminum Cable Attachments For Cable Machines | Body-Solid (BSTAMB)
Body Solid BSTNG Nunchuck Grips Attachments for strengthening your grip on any solid anchor point including Cable Machines, Rigs, Racks, and Pull-Up Bars.
Body-Solid BSTDB Dog Bone Cable Attachment for strengthening your grip on any solid anchor point including Cable Machines, Rigs, Racks, and Pull-Up Bars.
Body Solid BSTCB 3" Diameter Cannonball Grips (Pair) - Pull-Up Balls - Ball Grip Cable Attachments can be secured to selectorized gym equipment, pull-up bars, power racks, and much more.
Body Solid BSTHB Black Non-Bouncing Slam Ball Medicine Balls for slam ball and medicine ball exercises.
Fat Grip Lat Bar Cable Attachment | Body Solid (MB148FG)
Fat Grip Tricep Pressdown Bar Cable Attachment | Body Solid (MB504FG)
 Aluminum Tricep Pressdown Bar Cable Attachment | Body Solid (MB504A)
Fat Grip Curl Bar Cable Attachment | Body Solid (MB229FG)
Body Solid BSTTT Tire Tread Slam Balls for Medicine Ball Training are non-bouncing and available from 10-20 lbs.
Body-Solid BSTOPW Olympic Plate Wedge for Deadlifts
Body-Solid Tools BSTB Resistance Bands
Body Solid OA8 8" Olympic Adaptor Sleeve
Body-Solid 2.5 lb. Weight Stack Adapter Add-On Plate
Body Solid OAS14 14" Olympic Adapter Sleeve
Body-Solid 5 lb. Weight Stack Adapter Add-On Plate
Aluminum Stirrup Handle Cable Attachment (single) | Body Solid (MB501A). Sold individually.
Aluminum Seated Row/Chin Bar Cable Attachment | Body Solid (MB502A)
Body-Solid OBPH USA Made Premium Solid Rubber Bumper Plates For GSA Purchase at IRON COMPANY.
Body-Solid LMPP Olympic Plate Pivot Post for Landmine Rotational Training
Body-Solid Bicep Bomber Arm Blaster For Barbell Training
Body-Solid STT45 Olympic Weight Plate Gym Clock
Body-Solid LBB28 Lat Blaster Bar For Barbell Rows
Body-Solid LMCG Landmine Club Grip Attachment for Olympic Bars
Body-Solid BSTFB Weighted Fitness Bars
Chicago Extreme Solid Virgin Rubber Bumper Plates For Olympic Lifting | Body-Solid (OBPX-OBPXC)
Body-Solid BSTOBJ Olympic Bar Jack for Deadlifts
Body-Solid PUB30 Mountless Pull Up / Push Up / Sit Up Bar
Heavy Ropes For Fitness Conditioning - Battle Ropes | Body-Solid (BSTBR) available for sale at IRON COMPANY.
Body-Solid GDR10 3-Pair Aerobic Dumbbell Rack
Body-Solid TBR10 T-Bar Row Platform
Mobile Vertical Weight Plate Tree | Body Solid (GWT86)
Body-Solid MR136 Manta Ray Barbell Pad
Body-Solid TBR20 Pivoting T-Bar Row Platform
Powerline by Body-Solid SWT14 EZ-Load Standard Weight Tree
3-Ball or 4-Ball Customizable Medicine Ball Rack | Body-Solid (GMR5B) in matte black powder coat finish is available for sale at IRON COMPANY. Balls NOT included.
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