Elite Selectorized Rotary Torso Machine | Muscle D Fitness (MDE-18)
160 lb. Weight Stack
Multiple Hand Grip Positions
Variable Resistance Cam

Elite Selectorized Rotary Torso Machine - Muscle D Fitness (MDE-18) - The Muscle D Elite Selectorized Rotary Torso Machine is designed to target the oblique and abdominal muscles for effective core training workouts. Easy access and operation makes the rotary torso machine users of all fitness levels can utilize to improve their core strength. Simply step in, sit down with the inner thighs against the thigh pads and the feet on the foot plates, grab the handles and twist. The cable cam delivers variable resistance to the core throughout the entire core exercise. An easy to reach 160 lb. selectorized weight stack rides on chrome guide rods and is driven by heavy-duty steel cabling and pulley wheels with lubricated and sealed bearings. The rotary torso frame is built using heavy-grade oval tubing and is finished with baked-on black powder coat.
Have questions about the Muscle D Fitness line of equipment? Call an IRON COMPANY® fitness equipment specialist today at 1-888-758-7527. You can also email quotes@ironcompany.com.