Elite Selectorized Shoulder Press Machine | Muscle D Fitness (MDE-04)
200 lb. Weight Stack
Handles For Front And Side Delt Training
One-Touch Seat Adjust

Elite Selectorized Shoulder Press Machine - Muscle D Fitness (MDE-04) - The Muscle D Elite Selectorized Shoulder Press Machine includes independent and converging overhead press movement to simulate dumbbell free weight presses done on a weight bench. Dual pressing handles are ergonomically positioned to lessen strain on the wrists. Front mounted neutral grip handles are for isolating the front deltoids while the upper overhand grip handles work to strengthen and build the side delts for wider shoulders. Entering and exiting the MDE-04 is easy and the one-handed pneumatic seat adjust is even easier. A 200 lb. weight stack sits to the users right and rides on polished steel guide rods driven by heavy steel cables and pulley wheel with sealed bearings. The frame is fabricated from heavy-duty 11 gauge steel tubing that feels rock solid as you blast your delts.
Have questions about the Muscle D Fitness line of equipment? Call an IRON COMPANY® fitness equipment specialist today at 1-888-758-7527. You can also email quotes@ironcompany.com.