SkiErg -- Concept 2 (SkiErg)

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SKU: SkiErg
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Concept2 indoor rowers and ski ergometers are manufactured in the United States, qualifying them for GSA open market purchase under the Buy American Act and priced to fall within Government Purchase Card (GPC) spending allowance limit. As a preferred GSA-contracted supplier,® has been providing quality exercise equipment Made in the USA to US Government and military facilities around the world for years.

Concept2 SkiErg Ski Ergometer - The Concept2 SkiErg makes the sport of Nordic skiing available to everyone. It builds strength and endurance by working the entire body with the poling motion integral to all techniques of Nordic skiing. Each pull engages the arms, shoulders, core and legs in a downward crunch, using body weight to help accelerate the handles. The legs then raise the body weight on the return, providing a true full body workout.

The SkiErg uses the same flywheel resistance and electronic monitoring systems as our indoor rower, the proven choice of rowing athletes around the world since 1981, so you can rest assured that the machine is made to last. As well as being durable and well built, the SkiErg is sophisticated too, with an advanced monitor that provides immediate, accurate performance data.

Whether youre an elite cross-country skier looking to improve your poling power, a weekend enthusiast wanting to get into shape for the ski season, or just someone looking for a great workout, the SkiErg will help you achieve your goals.


  • Builds strength and endurance in upper body, core and legs
  • Provides a quality aerobic workout
  • Encourages proper and effective Nordic skiing technique

An ergometer (or erg) is a device that measures work. Thats what sets the Concept2 SkiErg apart from other training devices: it allows you to accurately assess your output, monitor your progress, and compare your scores with others using the Concept2 Performance Monitor. Its the same monitor that has been helping rowers train for many years:

  • Immediate, accurate and repeatable performance data
  • Workout options: choose a preset workout, ski against a previous result or play a game
  • Memory and LogCard for workout data storage
  • USB Interface to transfer data to PC or Mac
  • Heart Rate Monitoring (PolarTM and SuuntoTM options available)
  • Online logbook and ranking capability

Nordic skiing is an exhilarating and aerobically demanding sport, so it's no surprise that Nordic skiers are extremely fit athletes. The SkiErg makes this terrific aerobic exercise accessible to anyone. Each pull engages the arms, shoulders, core and legs in a downwards "crunch," using body weight to help accelerate the handles. A workout on the SkiErg works the legs at least as hard as the upper body. Maximum heart rates are achieved through aerobically demanding workouts.

The Concept2 SkiErg is based on the same mechanics and electronic monitoring systems as the Concept2 Indoor Rower, the proven choice of rowing athletes around the world since 1982.

PM4 monitor


  • Color Scheme: Black
  • Finish: Powder Coat
  • Space Requirements (Wall Mounted): 19" W (at bottom) / 20.5" (at top) x 19" D x 83.5" H
  • Space Requirements (Mounted on Floor Stand): 24" W x 52" L x 85" H
  • Machine Weight: 46 lbs (SkiErg only) / 81 lb (SkiErg with Floor Stand)
  • Shipping Dimensions: 21" x 19" x 49" (Ski Erg) / 4" x 26" x 53" (Floor Stand)
  • Shipping Weight: 62 lbs (Ski Erg) / 40 lbs (Floor Stand)

Need additional information on this SkiErg or other fitness equipment items that fit within your budget and address your fitness goals? Contact an fitness equipment specialist today at 1-888-758-7527 or email

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Shipping cost included within the lower 48 states only
Ships via UPS

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